Monday, October 17, 2011

Tory's Take on Ellis Island

We did this Ellis Island simulation and we dressed up as immigrants from different countries in Europe.
I was from Germany and my name was Gilda Brun.  There were four different stations.  The first one was for memorizing your passport.  I got sent back because I didn't know my birth date.  The next one was vocation.  They asked about what you did for a job.  I was sewing and knitting.  The third station was character and they asked if I had been to jail.  That was easy since I didn't do anything wrong.  The fourth was the health station and they had to ask lots of questions.  At the clearance station, they check all your points.  I got in and I felt excited and happy and a little relieved.  I was very nervous going into it.  It was a good way to learn about immigration and it was fun.

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