Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall Festival Fibs

In math, our class was learning about patterns and the Fibonacci sequence.  We decided to use the sequence to write poems about fall festival at Watoga State Park.  The syllable counts in the lines follow the pattern:1,1,2,3, 5,8,13,21,34...  Here are some of them:

Warm fire
Biking is awesome
Although it was muddy and wet
Going biking to the tunnel was of course the best
Biking in the rain while you are being covered in mud so you come out spotted and wet.
by Caroline S.

Tiring ride
Dead deer in the road
Biking in the rain so insane
Learning that biking twenty four miles is so so hard
But it is not too bad when are are only biking ten miles and going through puddles.
by Sophie G.

Fire doused
Puddles in the tent
Bogs keep bodies from degrading
Carnivorous plants and upturned trees were everywhere.
Pumpkins light up the campground with their distorted faces that glow with strange orange light.
by Gracie M.

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