Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall Festival Fibs

In math, our class was learning about patterns and the Fibonacci sequence.  We decided to use the sequence to write poems about fall festival at Watoga State Park.  The syllable counts in the lines follow the pattern:1,1,2,3, 5,8,13,21,34...  Here are some of them:

Warm fire
Biking is awesome
Although it was muddy and wet
Going biking to the tunnel was of course the best
Biking in the rain while you are being covered in mud so you come out spotted and wet.
by Caroline S.

Tiring ride
Dead deer in the road
Biking in the rain so insane
Learning that biking twenty four miles is so so hard
But it is not too bad when are are only biking ten miles and going through puddles.
by Sophie G.

Fire doused
Puddles in the tent
Bogs keep bodies from degrading
Carnivorous plants and upturned trees were everywhere.
Pumpkins light up the campground with their distorted faces that glow with strange orange light.
by Gracie M.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall Festival-Hiking by Elena

I had a great time at Fall Festival.  The hiking trails were very pretty with all the colored leaves, both on the ground and in the trees.  I also think that the view was amazing.  There was a river and in the middle of it, there was an island.  The island was beautiful, even though it was totally made of rocks.  The tent arrangements were nice and I got the best place in it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Tory's Take on Ellis Island

We did this Ellis Island simulation and we dressed up as immigrants from different countries in Europe.
I was from Germany and my name was Gilda Brun.  There were four different stations.  The first one was for memorizing your passport.  I got sent back because I didn't know my birth date.  The next one was vocation.  They asked about what you did for a job.  I was sewing and knitting.  The third station was character and they asked if I had been to jail.  That was easy since I didn't do anything wrong.  The fourth was the health station and they had to ask lots of questions.  At the clearance station, they check all your points.  I got in and I felt excited and happy and a little relieved.  I was very nervous going into it.  It was a good way to learn about immigration and it was fun.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Friday Group

Linda's Friday group has been traveling around Roanoke to look at different cemeteries. Last week we went to the Salem Museum and did a scavenger hunt in the cemetery.  It was very interesting to learn about the people in the cemetery and look for different symbols on the gravestones.  For lunch, we went to Longwood Park and enjoyed the playground.