Monday, November 14, 2011

More Fall Fibs

dumb-they get
in the way of bikes!
My bike wheel ran over a snake.
I also saw some otters swimming and they were cute!
I tried to chase a big deer with a pointed stick, but it was too fast and got away.
By Declan

Pocket knife
Very long, wet night
Woodpeckers are very stupid.
I was relieved when we got back to a warm school.
All my stuff was very wet and stinky when I got back home to Hollins on Thursday.
The sun never ever came out of the clouds with its bright, warm ,yellow light so we made the best of it , but it was very cold and so wet.
By Parker

In the rain
Carving with a knife
Making a spear to chase deer with
Going nine long miles to Marlington and back again.
Going through a very, very, very, very dark long and dry tunnel-it was really hard.
It was extremely long and hard on the eighteen mile ride to the tunnel and back-
when I got back I collapsed next to my bike,  what a ride!
By Max

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