Wednesday, November 30, 2011

1920's Biography Presentations

Last Tuesday, middle school students presented biographies of iconic figures of the 1920's.Check out the pictures!

Monday, November 14, 2011

More Fall Fibs

dumb-they get
in the way of bikes!
My bike wheel ran over a snake.
I also saw some otters swimming and they were cute!
I tried to chase a big deer with a pointed stick, but it was too fast and got away.
By Declan

Pocket knife
Very long, wet night
Woodpeckers are very stupid.
I was relieved when we got back to a warm school.
All my stuff was very wet and stinky when I got back home to Hollins on Thursday.
The sun never ever came out of the clouds with its bright, warm ,yellow light so we made the best of it , but it was very cold and so wet.
By Parker

In the rain
Carving with a knife
Making a spear to chase deer with
Going nine long miles to Marlington and back again.
Going through a very, very, very, very dark long and dry tunnel-it was really hard.
It was extremely long and hard on the eighteen mile ride to the tunnel and back-
when I got back I collapsed next to my bike,  what a ride!
By Max

Friday Groups

Linda:Four weeks ago, we started our second round of Friday Groups.  Selections included creating the Local Hero Award with Pat, Looking at High School and Beyond (Seminar Only) with Linda, Learning about Native American Culture with Jen and Bill, Japanese Culture with Karen and Physical Education with Katrina.

Max: In Japanese Culture we are watching an anime called Spirited Away.  We are learning about their way of life and what they ate.  The first week we went on a website and did a scavenger hunt to learn about Japan.  Last week we cooked a stew and had dumplings.   In the afternoon, we are doing Physical Education and doing athletic stuff such as soccer, running, pull-ups and sit ups.  The first week we did the Presidential Fitness challenge.  I did the mile run in 10 minutes 19 seconds.  I hope at the end of the 5 weeks I will do better.