Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sophie's Side

Last week Linda's class performed skits that we wrote. Our class split up into two groups and practiced teamwork skills to write our own plays. One half of the class did a skit as a talk show and the other half did a mystery.  Other middle school plays included neutral masks and other student composed plays. I thought that the plays went very well and I think that everyone enjoyed them.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Declan's View

In the Speakeasy, kids had to get into costumes that looked like a character from the 1920's.  They had to talk about their character and have everyone else guess who they were.  Everyone also did a research paper and wrote a biography of the famous person.  After the presentations we went outside to play and then we got a password to enter the Speakeasy.  It was in Katrina's room and there were snacks, sodas and music. 
At the end, Holly and Michi came in and acted like the police.  All the kids ran out.  I thought it was fun and a little bit crazy!