Saturday, September 17, 2011

First Weeks by Gracie

During the first week at school, Linda's class had a double period of Language Arts. We discussed what we were going to do as the year wore on and how to write the "Where I'm From" poem. We brought in photos of our childhood. They were all very cute. We had to write about ourselves and then put it in the poem. While we wrote, Katrina delighted herself by looking at our photos. Then we went to the computer lab and typed. Almost everyone finished the poem. Katrina scanned the photos into the computer and said we would finish it on Thursday. On Thursday, we finished editing our pictures and started a photo story. In social studies, we looked up where our last names came from and the history of it. Katrina promised us if we finished our poems and photo story, then we could play Monopoly.

A New School Year

The first two weeks have flown by. We spent time getting to know our classmates, sharing our interests and our strengths, and thinking about what we want for our year. We also prepared skits for the playground rules and our class name. We are the "Dupliflections". Ask your child how we came up with it. We are preparing for a unit on immigration as we look at the early 1900's in American history. We are also talking about Fall Festival, which is October 11th-13th. Students are deciding if they want to bike or hike. The whole Middle School will be going to Watogoa State Park in West Virginia.
We look forward to seeing parents for the Middle School gathering on Thursday, September 22nd at 7 p.m. Please call me at school (563-5036) or at home (815-8133) if you have questions or concerns.