Tuesday, March 8, 2011

St. Augustine Trip by Madison and Rocky

This year, our spring trip was to St. Augustine, Florida. It was a 13 hour bus ride there and a 13 hour back if you included rest stops. When we got there, we went to the Pirate Haus to find out which room we would be staying in and who was in our room. The next day we went and visited the Fountain of Youth, where we got to learn about astronomy, see a canon fired and go to the peacock reserve. Then we went to the Colonial Spanish Quarter where we got to see and learn about blacksmithing, leatherworking, and the militia during the 1600's. Next we took a tour at Castillo de San Marcos. There we got to see real canons from the time the fort was in use, got to learn about the fort itself and got to see people dressed up to be soldiers from back then. The fun part was that the guy who ran the Pirate Haus also was dressed as a guard at the fort. After that, everyone was tired so we went to go eat pizza from a nearby restaurant.
On the second day, we visited 5 different places, or 4 for some people.
First, we visited the Alligator Zoological Park. There we found not only alligators,but birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. Next, we had lunch which we packed ourselves each day. Then we went to the breathtaking Anastasia State Park. It was cloudy that day and the water at the beach was cold, but we all ignored it and had fun making sand castles, playing in the waves and searching for animals and sea shells. Then when we all dried off and got all the sand off from us, we had dinner at Harry's Seafood Bar and Grill. There we got to listen to a man sing and play the guitar and dance, after we finished eating. Then the thing that was optional was the Ghost Tour. Most people went on it though. We split into 2 groups and walked around St. Augustine, while listening to multiple wonderfully told ghost stories. When we got back, everyone checked their cameras looking for ghost in the pictures we took, and actually a few pictures got some ghosts.
The next day was the very anticipated Harry Potter theme park, or for some a kayaking tour. At the theme park, we went on a picture scavenger hunt and got some very strange tasting jellybeans and others got wands. After the lunch there at the Three Broomsticks, we got to go around to visit all the other parts of the park. We saw Marvel, Dr. Seuss, Comic Strip and Jurassic Park. After that, we had dinner at the Sweet Tomato.
The people who went kayaking ate at a restaurant where you could feed gulls through a hatch. No matter what you did on each of the days, everyday everyone had fun.

Rocky: This year the spring trip was awesome. We went to St. Augustine and the first place we went was the Fountain of Youth. We got to drink some of the water and it smelled like sulpher but it wasn't bad. Then we went to the Spanish museum. The fort was awesome and there were so many things to take pictures of. The second day we went to the Alligator farm and that was one of my favorite places. Then we went to the beach and that is where I got my mom's gifts. The last day, we went kayaking. That trip was only 2 hours long, so we also went to the Ripley's museum. We had a lot of laughs. Then we went back home.