Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Festival

Our Fall Festival at Watoga State Park was great. We divided the middle school into a hiking and biking group. While hiking, Bill shared his infinite knowledge of botany and helped students identify the trees along the trail. Celine and I were discussing how patterns in nature often followed the Fibonacci Sequence(0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13...) and she commented that people were using the sequence to write poetry with each number representing the syllables in a line. I thought that was a great idea, so my class wrote Fall Festival Fibs to reflect on their experiences at Watoga. Here are some of them. I will post the rest next week.

Was great
We had fun
We hiked sixteen miles
I am very proud of myself
Next year's Fall Festival might be better than this year.

Went biking
And I fell behind
I accidently went to sleep
And came back to the campsite twenty minutes later.

We try to
Catch them as they fall
They are the colors of autumn
Brown, orangy, gold, maroon, reddish- a tapestry.

Very fast
Ten miles an hour
Destination of Dairy Queen
Richard Amstutz and his crew made it to Marlinton.

Bike group
Had to go
In the drive-through at
The Dairy Queen in Marlinton.
Everyone in the fast group pedaled to the tunnel.

The fire
Bring fear into minds
Ghost stories and scary stories
All these shared in the dark around the campfire tonight.

Playing chess
All day long we play
Until I took his queen and rook
He yelled "Vomit!" therefore swiping the pieces off the table
Then we packed up the pieces into the box, shook hands, and went to have a lovely night.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Trip to the Science Museum by Garrett

Yesterday, the middle school went to the planetarium downtown to look at the autumn sky. It was really cool because on the soundtrack, they had an Indian telling the stories of the constellations. We are studying Native American culture in social studies and writing myths based on the stars for language arts. I'm pretty sure everyone, except for the teachers maybe, learned a new constellation. My favorite one is the Big Dipper, because it helped the slaves escape. We learned that it points to the North Star.
Next week when we go camping, we can look for some of the constellations.