Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Class Skits by Madison

Last Friday we had name skits and there were many wonderful class names and class skits as well. The Middle School class names were: The Herd of the Epic Ninja of the Green Squirts (Seminar), The Amazing Thread (Linda), The Elements (Emilie) and the Woof 'n Warfs (Katrina). I personally thought the best skits were done by Seminar and Emilie's class.

P.S. from Linda

We have had an exciting first few weeks. We hope that everyone is settling into the school routine and making time for homework. Our class will be beginning a social studies project next week on Native American tribes in the Southwest. Project details will be discussed on Monday.
Gathering is Thursday, September 23rd at 7 PM. We look forward to seeing parents at that time. We will be discussing curriculum, homework, and the Fall Festival.

Friday, September 3, 2010

New Beginnings

The blog is under construction. Students will be designing the layout and posting information when the school year begins. Welcome back!